
This file will be used by Jenkins to determine configuration of stack

s3: resource-bucket: scms-bucket-name

Setting value of s3 resource bucket. This will be used to determine location of deployment zip file

tag: # uses underscore separation convention for key name
  dd auto discovery: true
  # commerce

There are two layers - a commerce and admin. This sets the values for the commerce layer

  - elb:
        - port: 80
          instance-port: 80
          protocol: HTTP
          instance-protocol: HTTP
        - port: 443
          instance-port: 443
          protocol: HTTPS
          instance-protocol: HTTPS
          ssl-cert-id: "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:281347731237:certificate/d81234-456a-48d2-nh5v-88f888s99d"
        - port-range: 80
          source: thermofisher
        - port-range: 443
          source: thermofisher
        count-247: 2

Setting value so that 2 instances of the commerce layer will be created

        &nbs;count: 0
        count-weekday: 0
        count-weekend: 0
        count-custom: 0
  # admin

There are two layers - a commerce and admin. This sets the values for the admin layer

  - elb:
        - port: 80
          instance-port: 80
          protocol: HTTP
          instance-protocol: HTTP
        - port: 443
          instance-port: 443
          protocol: HTTPS
          instance-protocol: HTTPS
          ssl-cert-id: "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:281347731237:certificate/d81234-456a-48d2-nh5v-88f888s99d"
        - port-range: 80
          source: thermofisher
        - port-range: 443
          source: thermofisher
      count-247: 1

Setting value so that 1 instance of the admin layer will be created

        count: 0
        count-weekday: 0
        count-weekend: 0
        count-custom: 0