Chef Recipe - Setup.rb
# Cookbook Name:: scms
# Recipe:: setup
# This recipe will invoked in the start of the opsWork lifecycle
# Author: Thermofisher Scientific
# Copyright (c) 2016 Thermofisher Scientific, All Rights Reserved."EXECUTING SETUP PHASE RECIPE -- PLATFORM-----------*************** " + "#{node['platform']}")

#Sets common attributes
include_recipe 'tf_scms::_common_set_attributes'

#Stop CF Windows Service
include_recipe 'tf_scms::_setup_1_cfstop'

#Update jvm.config
include_recipe 'tf_scms::_setup_2_jvmconfig'

#Update neo-datasources.xml
include_recipe 'tf_scms::_setup_3_neodatasource'

#Update neo-cron.xml
include_recipe 'tf_scms::_setup_4_neocron'

#Start CF Windows Service
include_recipe 'tf_scms::_setup_5_cfstart'"********EXITING SETUP PHASE RECIPE*********")